Meet the Manager: Ryan King of Bridgestone Tower

Property management is never an easy task, but especially not when overseeing a massive facility like Bridgestone Tower. Ryan King, a senior property manager for Highwoods Properties, is responsible for the 510,000 square foot space right in the heart of Nashville.

We’re honored to work with so many amazing facility managers like Ryan throughout the Southeast, and we love having the opportunity to celebrate them in this Meet the Manager series! 

Today, Ryan describes a day in the life of a property manager and shares some of the biggest trends he’s noticing in 2021. 

Get to Know Nashville Property Manager, Ryan King

How did you get involved with property management?

As most of us did, I fell into this industry without the intent of doing so. I wanted to be a commercial real estate broker, but in 2009 the market was terrible and I took what I was offered; my first role in property management.

What is unique about your specific role with your company that may be different from another facility manager’s role?

The most unique thing is that I work for a company who develops commercial real estate and then retains their assets. So, for me, I get to manage a building that I have a vested interest in and our company has an interest in maintaining to the highest levels. This allows me to be creative and have input in projects that arise.

What is the biggest challenge you face in your current role?

The biggest challenge I face is the management of relationships with my client. I am a people pleaser and I always want to do everything I can to ensure my client is getting all that they need. Oftentimes, this leads to tough conversations when I have to decline a request. For me, this is a stressful position to be in.

What has been your biggest success story in your current role?

Myself and my team successfully presented and executed the change from typical night time cleaning to day cleaning. There were countless hours spent developing the scope and plan to execute this massive change in one of our largest budget line items. 

Through having wonderful vendor partners and a great team, we were able to successfully complete this transition and we immediately saw improvements. The improvements were so noticeable that we saw employees getting engaged with the cleaning staff and commenting on their efficiencies and detailed work.

What is your best piece of advice to others in your role? 

Always be sure to have a work/life balance. This has been a tough one for me and I know for many others in this industry. Being on call 24/7/365 certainly doesn’t help with this!

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Not every day is the same. This is certainly not a job where you come to the office, sit down and do the same tasks day in and day out.

Describe what a day in your role looks like.

It is never the same. One day I can go to the office, sit at my computer and be wholly productive all day long. The next day, I can go to the office and immediately be pulled in ten different directions.

How does having a clean building help your business? 

Having a clean building not only allows for a nice building, but for us it allows for confidence with the employees that their company cares about their health. 

How does preventative maintenance create value for you, or your business? 

Preventive maintenance always saves money in the end. And if we are honest, that is why we are all here. If I can show the benefits of a PM program to my clients and watch it play out, it is always a win. 

How has DPM Care’s service impacted your business?

DPM has been an amazing partner. Their process is proven, their customer service is impeccable and their planning/execution allows me to focus on larger issues that may come up day to day. 

What is the biggest facility management trend you are seeing right now? 

“Return to Work” policies are being drafted, and there are many discussions on reconfiguration of space to allow for increased distancing and less density.