Summer Deep Cleaning

Preparing Schools and Universities for a Fresh Start

Summer break presents the perfect opportunity for schools and universities to undergo deep cleaning, ensuring facilities are pristine and ready for the new academic year. This downtime is ideal not just for basic cleaning but for tackling larger projects that improve the health, safety, and aesthetics of educational environments.


Why Summer Deep Cleaning is Essential

During the academic year, educational facilities accumulate a year’s worth of dirt, dust, and debris, which can create unhealthy conditions for both students and staff. Summer deep cleaning is comprehensive, addressing areas that are often overlooked during the year such as high surfaces, carpets, and upholstery that can harbor allergens, pathogens, and dust mites.


Comprehensive Strategies for Educational Facilities:


  • Carpet Cleaning and Care: Summer is the optimal time to thoroughly clean carpets, which involves not only removing stains but also extracting embedded dirt and allergens with industrial-grade equipment.


  • Floor Treatment: Refinishing floors, especially in high-traffic areas like hallways and common rooms, not only preserves the material but also enhances the overall look of the facility.


  • Detailed Surface Cleaning: From desks and chairs to computer labs and library stacks, every surface is sanitized to promote a healthier environment when students return.


DPM’s Role in Summer Cleanings

At DPM Surface Care, we specialize in transforming educational facilities during the summer months. Our experienced teams use the latest cleaning technologies and follow rigorous protocols to ensure every inch of your campus is thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and ready for the coming school year. We focus on:


  • Specialty Surfaces: Tailored cleaning methods for different materials, ensuring longevity and aesthetics.


  • Architectural Surfaces: Specialized restoration services for all architectural surfaces including terrazzo, vinyl composition tile (VCT), concrete, etc. Our expert team meticulously enhances and protects these essential surfaces, preserving their beauty and extending their lifespan with targeted treatments and superior care.


  • Environmental Health: Using eco-friendly products and methods to enhance the campus environment without compromising on quality.

Preparing educational facilities for a new beginning each fall starts with comprehensive summer cleaning. Schools and universities benefit immensely from the thorough, meticulous attention that DPM Surface Care provides, setting the stage for a productive, healthy academic year. Let’s plan your campus’s summer refresh today!