Why Most Facility’s Disinfecting Processes Don’t Work

The TV ads make it look so simple: just whip out some cleaning wipes, run them over your surfaces, and “Boom!” everything is clean and disinfected. 

The problem is that without the proper cleaning system and procedures, you may get surfaces looking great, but they may not be germ free. And, in today’s world of COVID-19 and with the flu season on the horizon, that just doesn’t work for facility managers and business owners. 

Your facility’s cleaning team may be working hard right now to clean and disinfect, but how do you know if their efforts are effective?

Let’s start by looking at some of the common problems with many cleaning and disinfection procedures.

Why Your Cleaning System May Not Work

What are some common ways cleaning and disinfecting don’t work?

A chief way your current cleaning system may not be working is that surface dirt and debris wasn’t removed first. Proper disinfecting starts with a clean surface. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the best way to clean is to start with soap and water and then use disinfectant. The soap and water will remove dirt, germs and impurities so the disinfectant can kill any germs that remain. Sometimes, you’ll even need to use a degreaser to ensure your surfaces are completely clean before applying the disinfectant.

A second problem is disinfectant that isn’t left on the surface long enough. It’s essential to leave disinfectant on the surface in order to kill the microorganisms and truly get rid of germs. Most of the time, that’s 2-4 minutes; a simple spray and wipe doesn’t give the product enough time to work.

Lastly, disinfectant buildup lessens its effectiveness over time. Some cleaners also leave a build up. The surface has to start fresh and get cleaned with soap and water every so often or the disinfectant won’t be effective. 

How to Improve Your Cleaning & Disinfection Process

What’s the solution? How to ensure your surfaces are getting disinfected properly?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Check with your team. 

Start by checking with your cleaning team’s procedure. Are they following the proper cleaning and disinfection practices? 

While most will say they are following these steps, it’s easy to get in a rush and not let the disinfectant work like it should.

2. Get your surfaces tested.

The only way to truly know if your surfaces are truly germ free is to test them.

One of our clients was using an all-purpose cleaner on their high-touch surfaces multiple times a day. But when we performed our surface cleaning tests, we found high levels of microorganisms on their front door handles and break room surfaces.

Even though surfaces looked clean and they were disinfected daily, germs were still living there. 

3. Get a better surface cleaning system.

Cleaning surfaces multiple times a day is not practical or even effective in many cases, as evidenced by our client’s story.

That’s why you might need a better surface cleaning system altogether.

Here at DPM we’ve developed a system that cleans, disinfects and protects your surfaces from harmful germs. Our SaniShell Surface Protection System includes the application of an invisible, protective barrier on surfaces to prevent the spread of viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew. That means, once it’s applied, it keeps working to kill germs for weeks or even months.

SaniShell effectively breaks down bacteria containing biofilm, a disinfectant-resistant thin layer of bacteria that builds up on surfaces and can remain there for extended periods of time. The product’s versatility and non-toxicity means it’s safe for all surfaces and in any facility. 

And as part of our 5-step process, we test surfaces to ensure that germs are eliminated. In the case of the client we mentioned above, we were able to reduce germs by 97%, achieving a hospital-grade level of sanitization on their surfaces.

We’re confident in our system’s effectiveness, and so are our customers. We’d love to help you take your facility to a new level of healthiness.