The Most Cost Effective Way to Keep Surfaces Germ-Free
Keeping a large facility clean and as germ-free as possible during normal times is hard.
Spoiler alert: these aren’t normal times.
That’s why businesses are upping the amount of cleaning and disinfecting they are doing at their facilities.
But the problem is that all that extra cleaning and sanitization can be an expensive proposition for any business.
Why Traditional Disinfecting Can Cost Your Business
Here are some of the challenges and added costs that businesses face with the traditional approach to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.
- Added labor costs. Some companies hire extra day porters to clean high-touch surfaces every few hours. Others may have their janitorial company clean and disinfect more often than normal. Either way, those approaches can get expensive.
- You might not get what you pay for. Regular cleaning, no matter how well it’s done, may not be enough. Surfaces might not get clean or stay that way unless your janitorial team is following proper disinfection procedures. If they’re not, all that extra cleaning might not be paying off.
- Added time and hassle. Managing additional cleaning crews or day porters can take a lot more staff time. Although that’s not a hard cost, that time managing crews can add up and keep you from other important tasks.
A More Cost-Effective Approach to Surface Cleaning
So, what’s the alternative?
How can you keep your team healthy and not break the bank or your facilities team’s backs?
In a word: SaniShell.
Our SaniShell Surface Protection System is designed to make surface disinfection last longer, so you have to spend less time and money on keeping surfaces clean.
What’s the difference in using SaniShell?
For starters, SaniShell disinfects and cleans more thoroughly, lasts longer and eliminates more germs. SaniShell effectively breaks down bacteria containing biofilm, a disinfectant-resistant thin layer of bacteria that builds up on surfaces and can remain there for extended periods of time. The product’s versatility and non-toxicity means it’s safe for all surfaces and in any facility.
Our customers find that it cuts down on germs as well – up to 97 percent in some cases.
Our SaniShell Surface Protection System includes the application of an invisible, protective barrier on surfaces to prevent the spread of viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew. That means, once it’s applied, it keeps working to kill germs for weeks or even months. One treatment kills what’s on surfaces and prevents further germs on surfaces for up to three months. You can do in one cleaning what regular disinfection does in 6-12.
How SaniShell Saves Money, Kills Germs

A DPM Surface Care technician applying SaniShell Surface Treatment.
How does SaniShell save you money?
Using SaniShell can help you back off of your cleaning costs and bring it back to pre-pandemic levels. You can get a SaniShell Surface Treatment once a month or once a quarter and simply keep your regular janitorial cleaning services.
This means no additional personnel needing to be hired. That’s an extra expense cut out if you just need your nightly janitorial crew to do their usual cleaning.
Plus, with an application lasting up to three months you only need to do regularly cleaning, not a constant wiping down of everything throughout the day.
Additionally, SaniShell is budget friendly. The one time cost of SaniShell is equivalent to months of disinfectant costs. Why have to buy and re-buy disinfectant all the time when SaniShell just needs a quarterly application?
Using SaniShell also cuts down on the number of outsiders who are coming in and out of your facility – not a small concern with the pandemic and flu season upon us. After SaniShell is applied, your team will be able to keep up with regularly cleaning your building for up to three months. No outside or extra, non-employee help needed.
Finally, not all cleaning products are as effective as others. So many factors go into what cleaning and germ-killing products are right for you, your budget and the surfaces in your facility. SaniShell is protection made for almost any surface – one application and you and your teams are safe from germs.
If you are looking for a way to save money, time and keep your facilities as germ-free as possible, give us a call. We’d love to show you how SaniShell can do all of that and more.